STRIDE Threat Model

1. Spoofing:

  • Threat: Unauthorized access to Cortex components or data.
  • Application to Cortex: Previously considered out of scope. Kubernetes network policies can restrict component access.
  • Mitigation: Implementation and fine-tuning of Kubernetes network policies to ensure restricted access.


  • Threat: Unauthorized modification of data or configuration settings.
  • Application to Cortex: Not applicable as Kubernetes containers can’t change their configuration files.
  • Mitigation: Rely on the inherent security features of Kubernetes to prevent tampering.


  • Threat: Denying the occurrence of certain actions or events within Cortex.
  • Application to Cortex: Considered out of scope. Secure log gathering and preservation methods are available in Kubernetes.
  • Mitigation: Utilize Kubernetes logging mechanisms to ensure traceability and log integrity.

Information Disclosure:

  • Threat: Unauthorized access to sensitive information within Cortex.
  • Application to Cortex: Not a concern due to network policies in Kubernetes that prevent unauthorized access.
  • Mitigation: Proper configuration of Kubernetes network policies to protect sensitive data.

Denial of Service (DoS):

  • Threat: Disrupting or degrading the availability of Cortex services.
  • Application to Cortex: A well-configured Cortex system is resilient to DoS attacks.
  • Mitigation: Implement rate limiting and series per tenant limits to prevent DoS attacks.

Elevation of Privilege:

  • Threat: Unauthorized escalation of user privileges within Cortex.
  • Application to Cortex: Not applicable in Cortex as there is no concept of a superuser or admin user.
  • Mitigation: Ensure adherence to Kubernetes access controls.

Additional Considerations:

  • Alertmanager Security: Address security threats around Alertmanager, which have already been mitigated. Focus on ensuring these mitigations remain effective.